Human Resource Management
Introducing, HRM system to manage the employees,their attendance ,Office expenses and many
Our experience with building application using PHP & MySQL more than 6 years making us know about minimal
common feature and routine proccess.
HRM Features
- Employee Management
- Expense Management
- Department Management
- Awards Management
- Holidays Management
- Attendance Management
- Leave Types Management
- Leave Application Management
- Notice Board
- General Setting
- Profile Setting
- Notification Setting
- And more ....
To make HRM running on your PC, you need to make sure your server match with minimum requirement
- Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
- PHP 5.3.7 >> Higher
- MySQL Database server
- Module Re_write server
- PHP_CURL Module Enable
- Realtime Internet Connection ( Emailing )
Pre-installation Requirements:
File System Permissions
To be able to start the installation at all, you must set appropriate permissions for storage folder and
subfolders. So, the very first thing to do is to set permissions to 777 for storage folder, all its
After setting the permissions you are ready to proceed to the installation.
After downloading the ZIP archive, and uploading it to your server, the first thing you have to do is to
create the database where system tables will be created. Let's say, you create the database called pms.
Step 1 - Welcome Screen
After creating the database next step is accessing the application URL from a browser. One thing you
need to know is that Laravel is designed to allow HTTP access to the application from your public folder
only. This means that this application will be available at It is good enough for
installation and development purposes, however, for production, you will probably want to have your
application available at In next section, I will show you how you can accomplish
Note: If you see any error check that you should have .env file at
your root location.
To open the installer. Visit
Now the installer will show up.The First screen will be Welcome Screen
Note: If you are not able to access the website by accessing,
but you are able to access it via, this means that you probably
have Apache mod_rewrite installed and enabled.
Step 2 - Database/Environment Setting
On step 2 you have to fill in your database credentials
Step 3: System Requirements
After clicking on "Next" button, you will be redirected to System Requirements step during
the installation wizard, System Requirements.
Step 4 - Directory Permissions
After successfully enabling and installing all required PHP extensions, next step is to set the appropriate
permissions for some system folders. All directories listed on step 4 has to be writable by the application,
as it is displayed on the following picture.
Step 5: Exit
The last step is exit step.
Now You are ready to go.
Login details are
After your successfull install your application , now you need to setting your app .
Log to your application and go to :
Go to : Settings -> General Setting
General Setting
NoticeBoard view page
Expense Report
Before Adding employee to the database.You need to add department and its designations
Employees View
Employees Edit Page
Department View
Department Add Page
Department Edit Page
Awards create Page
Expense create Page
Awards create Page
Mark Attendance Page
View Attendance all Page
View Attendance employee Page
LeaveTypes pages
Leave application Accept Page
NoticeBoard view page
Admin Login Setting
Email Nofitification Setting
HRM is using following plugins